Anti-aging Developments

October, 2010 > Anti-aging Discoveries > Anti-aging Developments - October 2010

Green Tea Keeps Lungs Young

The polyphenols and catechins in green tea can improve your health. It is an ideal beverage to help treat cancer, heart problems, cardiovascular diseases, high cholesterol .

Anti-aging developments, October 28, 2010 -- Green tea keeps lungs young according to RealAge Website. The report says that "A review of 22 studies on tea confirms the lung benefits. People who drank the most green tea -- compared with drinkers of black tea or people who consumed little or no green tea -- had a 22 percent lower risk for lung cancer."

"Green tea may help protect lungs better than black tea does because green tea has more cancer-fighting antioxidants called catechins."

According to the review, Lab studies show that "a special kind of green tea catechin called epigallocatechin gallate, may slow the growth of human cancer cells, and may even trigger their death. Other green tea catechins are great at neutralizing cell-damaging free radicals that open the door to the cancer process."

The researchers suspect that the longer one has been drinking green tea, the more protection it gives. But further study is needed to confirm this.

Green Tea is also know for other qualities:

(Source: RealAge Website)

Keep Your Arteries Clear

Eating walnuts can help fight depression, lower cholesterol levels and help with weight loss because of their high levels of omega-3.

Anti-aging developments, October 26, 2010 -- RealAge website suggest snacking on walnuts as a way to keep your arteries clear. They say that a fistful of this toasted walnuts is one of the best methods of improving artery health. According to reports analysed by RealAge, eating walnuts daily has the potential to drop LDL or bad cholesterol by up to 7 percent!

Thirteen different studies reviewed showed that walnuts, not only significantly lower cholesterol, but they also reduce inflammation and help relax and dilate blood vessels, thereby having the potential to cut the risk of cardiovascular disease and heart attack. They may even undo blood vessel damage which can lead to arterioslerosis, caused by high blood sugar.

According to RealAge, walnuts have more polyunsaturated fatty acids than other nuts -- especially heart-friendly alpha linolenic acid, which is thought to do a great job of stymieing plaque accumulation in arteries.

(Source: RealAge Website)

Speedy Ways to Pull the Plug on Stress

Anti-aging developments, October 25, 2010 -- RealAge website gives some tips on eliminating stress when it is getting out of hand and in danger of causing harm to your health.

Even if you already have a favourite way to break the tension, these easy techniques are great to keep in your back pocket when your first choice isn't available:

  • Breathe in, lick your lips, and then blow out slowly. The cool air helps you refocus and slow down

  • Scrunch your face tightly for 15 seconds and then release. Repeat several times. Repetitive contraction and relaxation helps release the tension you hold above the neck.

  • Stop for a second and focus on your breathing. Now, look down. See anything moving? Probably not. That's because most people take short, shallow breaths -- the kind that come from your chest. To relax, take deep, whole breaths. It should take about 5 seconds to inhale and 7 seconds to exhale. And your belly should expand as you breathe in, then flatten as you breathe out.

(Source: RealAge Website)

Antioxidants May Reduce Colon Cancer Risk

Anti-aging developments, October 22, 2010Research completed at Harvard University found that taking Vitamins A, C, and E protects against colon cancer, according to a recent report by Longevity Magazine.

Previous studies have shown that dietary supplements of Vitamins A, C, and E, and folic acid reduce the risks of colon cancer. This is probably due to their high anti-oxidant capacities.

A team from Harvard Medical School, Led by Stephanie Smith-Warner, has recently completed a large-scale study that confirms these previous findings.

Researchers assessed data collected from 676,141 men and women involved in 13 separate studies.

They concluded that: “Multivitamin use was significantly inversely associated with colon cancer risk,” and concludes that: “Modest inverse associations with vitamin C and E intakes may be due to high correlations with folate intake, which had a similar inverse association with colon cancer.”

(Sources: World Health Net, Longevity Magazine)

Blueberries May Reduce Diabetes Risk

Blueberries the superfood that B that is rich in phytonutrients – antioxidants such as anthrocyanin, as well as anti-inflammatories, grab a handful for breakfast

Anti-aging developments, October 20, 2010 - - According to a recent report in Longevity magazine, blueberries may be one of the new superfoods to combat the risk of Diabetes. This is because this fruit is rich in flavonoids, a type of antioxidant compound, and in particular the antioxidants known as anthocyanins and flavanols.

A team from the University of Louisiana, Led by William T. Cefalu enrolled 32 obese, non-diabetic, and insulin-resistant men and women, with the average age of 51.5 years and an average BMI of 37.4 kg/m2, in a six-week long study.

Subjects received either smoothies which contained 22.5 grams of blueberry bioactives or a placebo blend of equal nutritional value. They each consumed two smoothies daily over a six weeks period.

The team discovered that 67% of subjects who consumed the blueberry smoothie experienced at least a 10% or greater favorable change in insulin sensitivity. The researchers believe that: “Daily dietary supplementation with bioactives from whole blueberries improved insulin sensitivity in obese, non-diabetic, and insulin-resistant participants."

(Sources: International Journal of Cancer, Longevity Magazine)


Anti-aging developments, October 17, 2010 -- This news article is reported directly, with almost no amendments, as submitted by Longevity Magazine

Anti-aging developments -- According to Longevity Magazine, “The ability of a person to independently perform everyday tasks, such as gripping, walking, rising from a chair and balancing on one leg, may help to predict longevity”.

Researchers from the UK’s MRC Unit for Lifelong Health and Ageing reviewed 57 studies of physical capability assessments of community-dwelling seniors and identified 28 that assessed these traits in people of any age and recorded subsequent mortality.

Although there was some variation between the studies, the team found consistent evidence of associations between all four measures of physical capability and mortality – people who performed less well in these tests had a consistently higher risk of death.

From 14 studies (including 53,476 participants) that dealt with grip strength, the death rate among the weakest people was 1.67 times greater than among the strongest people, after taking age, sex, and body size into account.

From five studies (including 14,692 participants) that dealt with walking speed, the death rate among people who were slowest was 2.87 times greater than among the people who were fastest, after similar adjustments.

Five studies (including 28,036 people) that dealt with chair rising showed that the death rate of people who were the slowest was almost twice the rate of people who were fastest at this physical task.

Submitting that: “Objective measures of physical capability are predictors of all cause mortality in older community dwelling populations,” the researchers posit that: “Such measures may therefore provide useful tools for identifying older people at higher risk of death”.

(Source: World Health Net, Longevity Magazine, British Medical Journal, MRC Unit for Lifelong Health and Ageing, UK).

Citrus Compounds May Slash Cancer Risk

lemon stimulates cancer-killing immune cellsLemon stimulates cancer-killing immune cells Discover how the lemon can detox and flush the liver

Anti-aging developments, 14 October, 2010 - - Numerous studies have suggested that eating citrus fruits helps protect against cancer. Longevity Magazine reports on the findings of a team, led by Wen-Qing Li, from Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine (Japan). This team recently investigated the association of citrus consumption with the incidence of cancer in 42,470 Japanese adults, ages 40 to 79 years, enrolled in the Ohsaki National Health Insurance Cohort.

The team found that “daily citrus consumption correlated to significant reductions in the risk of all cancer, with an 11% reduction in the incidence of all types of cancer among men, and a 14% reduction among women”. They also reported, “the risk reductions for prostrate and pancreatic cancer were calculated to be 37 and 38%, respectively”.

Observing that: “These findings suggest that citrus consumption is associated with reduced all-cancer incidence,” the researchers insist that further research is necessary to confirm their findings.

(Sources: International Journal of Cancer, Longevity Magazine)

B12 and Ginseng Increase Energy

ginseng root is being studied as a treatment for diabetes, hypertension, impotence and infertility, treating stress, increasing levels of alertness and mental clarity.

Anti-aging developments, 12 October, 2010 - - Many women over the age of 40 suffer from tiredness and as physiological and metabolic changes have an impact on their energy levels causing fatigue.

Eating the right food and smaller quantities of this, exercising regularly and keeping positive can increase your energy at the same time as controlling your weight, especially bellyfat, which is the most dangerous fat for your health.

Increase exercise gradually and start by cutting down on sugar and caffeine. These may give you an instant boost but they will lave you feeling tired and depleted over time.

Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD, an expert on women’s health, who is mentioned elsewhere in this site, recommends a daily multi-vitamin, with added Vitamin B12, which is known for its energy giving benefits.

She also recommends taking Siberian ginseng as other kinds may have too powerful an effect and result in palpitations.

(Source: Dr. Marilyn Glenville's Newsletter)

Alzheimer Drug Found to Promote Learning in Healthy Adults

Anti-aging developments, 11 October, 2010 -- Neuroscientists recently reported that Aricept, the cholinesterase inhibitor which slows down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, can increase improve the ability of healthy adults to learn new skills.

Two scientists from the University of California, Helen Wills from Berkeley’s Neuroscience Institute and Michael Silver, Assistant Professor of Optometry and Neuroscience, investigated the cognitive effects of donepezil on twelve, healthy, non-smoking subjects aged 18-35.

The double-bind study concluded that the success of those subjects using Donepezil (Aricept) was twice that of those using a placebo. "This is the first study to show that donepezil can enhance learning of a new skill, even in normal, healthy people," said Dr Silver. Testing on animals has shown that it changes the brain in ways that effect learning.

(Source: The Health Sciences Institute)

Vitamin B6 Against Prostate Cancer

Bananas and chicken breast have particularly high levels of vitamin B6, important for treating depression, cancer, heart disease and a host of other conditions.

Anti-aging developments, 2 October, 2010 -- Recent research suggests that the B complex of vitamins have a preventive effect on the development and progression of prostate cancer, according to a recent report by the prestigious Health Sciences Institute. 

To test these findings, a US team from the Harvard School of Public Health studied the dietary habits of over 500 men with prostate cancer. Survival over a period of 20 years was compared to the intake of four B vitamins: folate, riboflavin, B-6, and B-12. 

 Men with highest B-6 intake were significantly more likely to survive the two decades compared to men with the lowest intake of the vitamin. None of the other nutrients were linked to longer survival time. 

Most importantly, men with the best survival records were those who had localized-stage prostate cancer at the outset of the study and also had the highest B-6 intake. In other words, high levels of the vitamin were most effective when the cancer was newly diagnosed and had not yet spread beyond the prostate. 

Apparently this is because B-6 has been shown to modify the way the prostate responds to testosterone.

Other Diseases Helped by Vitamin B6
Besides its positive impact on the development of prostate cancer, Vitamin B6 helps to prevent other cancers, heart disease, kidney stones and depression.

B-6 is very active in the body stimulating approximately 120 enzymes and 19 of the body's 20 amino acids. This has a positive effect on DNA repair, strengthening the immune system, hormone production, and improving cognitive functions.

What to Eat
Bananas and chicken breast have particularly high levels of vitamin B6. Red meat, fish, beans, fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens are also good sources.

According to Dr Allan Spreen, Renowned nutritionist and Senior Member of the Health Sciences Institute "B- 6 is definitely more effective in the company of magnesium." He also recommends magnesium along with 100 mg of B-6 daily along with other B vitamins.

(Source: The Health Sciences Institute)


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