Osteoporosis Information

Four Strategies for Osteoporosis Prevention

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It is important that you read the available Osteoporosis Information in order to equip yourself with the necessary know-how to prevent the disease from progressing. In the previous page of this section on Osteoporosis we read about the importance of regular exercise, especially weight bearing exercise in preventing this condtion. We also learnt about the importance of diet, especially getting enough Calcium, Vitamin D, Magnesium and Potassium and Vitamin K. Here is some more osteoporosis information regarding things one can do to prevent this disease.

1, Improve Co-ordination and Balance

As we age we often experience poor co-ordination and balance, leading to and increased risk of falling and breaking bones. Exercise, especially weight-bearing exercise and those that improve our balance, can greatly lower these risks. Another strategy is to get enough calcium, either through dairy products or other foods rich in calcium or by taking calcium supplements from a reputable source. Drug treatments, to strengthen bones, are available for those at highest risk of fracture.

2. Test Your Bone Density

Early detection is very important to stop the disease in its tracks and prevent it from progressing. Visit your doctor and ask for a bone density test as this will mean s/he can prescribe drug treatments to strengthen your bones if your risk of fracture is high.

The bone density test is very easy, using low-density radiation or ultrasound. Either the ankle is x-rayed or a full scan of the body, if this is deemed necessary. If you are diagnosed with the disease, is important to follow your treatment carefully, take your medicine regularly and follow the directions precisely. If this is done, there are usually no unpleasant side effects. Regular scans will show that the medicine is doing its work and that bone density is improving.

3. Begin Early

Strong bones are essential for your long-term health and wellbeing. You therefore owe it to yourself to be aware of the importance of building strong bones as early as possible in life and maintaining a regime throughout life that will help keep them that way. Read all the osteoporosis information about prevention that you need to inform yourself on how to proceed. Time taken now to take care of your skeletal system will help you maintain an active, independent life for the years to come.

4. Learn as Much as You Can

Learn all you can about the disease and how you can prevent its progression by reading osteoporosis information and other articles on healthy living.

For example, the sections on Exercising and Eating Well to learn how to build or maintain your bone density capital. Proper maintenance of your bones is one of the key factors in aging well. Study the A-Z of Vitamins and the A-Z of Minerals. Learn how getting enough Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin D and Vitamin K can help you prevent Osteoporosis.

Read books, publications and research, so that you will have the necessary osteoporosis information and know the best methods of combatting this debilitating disease. Here is s selection of books for you to choose from:-

Continue to page five of the Age-well Mini Site on Osteoporosis:

Osteoporosis Treatment
Living with Osteoporosis

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The forum for sharing advice and information about osteoporosis

Pages on Osteoporosis

  • Osteoporosis Prevention - What is Osteoporosis, Five things to do Now
  • The Importance of Bone Health
  • Other Causes of Osteoporosis
  • More Strategies to Prevent Osteoporosis
  • Osteoporosis Treatment - Living with Osteoporosis
  • Safety First - Changes to Your Environment
  • Osteoshare - Advice Forum about Osteoporosis

    News About Osteoporosis

    Osteoporosis Quotes

    “Twenty-five years ago, the world's leading experts in cardiovascular diseases warned of an impending epidemic of heart disease in developing countries. This warning was largely ignored and we are now seeing a dramatic increase in prevalence of cardiovascular diseases in the developing world. We must not allow the same thing to happen for osteoporosis. We must act now.”
    Gro Harlem Brundtland, former director general, World Health Organization,

    “Although we have effective treatments for osteoporosis, each year millions of our grandmothers are crippled and disfigured because they don't have easy and sufficient access to diagnosis and medication.”
    Her Majesty Queen Rania of Joran

    “As patron of Osteoporosis Canada for many years, I am pleased that we have successfully changed the image of osteoporosis as a disease of elderly women, a group who historically have had neither economic nor political clout –to a disease that can strike us all whether we are men or women, young or old. ”Maureen McTeer, medical law specialist, human rights advocate, author, patron of Osteoporosis Canada.

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