
June 2012 > Anti-aging Discoveries > Anti-aging Developments - June 2012

Jul 09, 2012 - Staying Power Key to Weight Loss

The Real Age website published new information on dieting which ultimately says that it doesn’t matter what diet you are on, it is your attitude and staying power that mean you will lose weight and keep it off. The main thing is sticking to your diet.

At the end of the day following a healthy eating plan is the best way to lose weight. If you are not giving your body the type of nutrients it needs it will keep sending out hunger signals and continue to do so no matter how much junk food you consume. The end result is that you will gain, not lose weight.

The Real Age report says there are thee current weight loss beliefs which do not work.

It says it is a myth that eating five small meals instead of three will help lose weight. First brought in to help diabetics keep their blood sugar in check, it was then shown to help with weight loss. The problem when this is used as a way of losing weight is that people are now eating the equivalent of five full meals, instead of three small meals and two snacks. Sitting down to three balanced meals a day is still the best way forward for most people who want to lose weight according to the report, as this is the only way to stave off hunger.

The second myth is that small plates help people lose weight. However, studies have shown that no matter what size plates are used, when people can serve themselves, they do so until they are satisfied. The only way using a smaller plate works is to prepare the meal in advance and not allow second helpings.

The third myth they debunked was that there is only one way to diet. Considering the amount of different diets being touted as the best I am not sure I agree that this is a real myth because I think that people realize that there are different ways to diet. As mentioned above the main problem is motivation and endurance – or lack of these traits in an increasingly obese population. Regulation of the amount of sugar used in processed foods would also be a step in the right direction if governments were serious about improving the health of society at large rather than the bottom line of big business that lobby to keep the status quo.

(Source: Real Age website, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth Texas Study about plate size and dieting_ - Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, La.: )

Jul 02, 2012 Conference on Adapting to Changes in the UK Public Health System

Public Health: an update and way forward24th October 2012, The Barbican, London

Are you involved in Public Health in the UK?

Major changes are coming in to force in April 2013

Are you aware of these changes?

Public Health 2012: An Update and Way Forward offers a high profile programme of speakers, with experienced insight and practical examples of existing successful public health initiatives to provide inspiration and direction for all.

Topics to be discussed on the day include;

Public Health: The current landscape and the road ahead

Targeting resources to needs: Collating information and developing strategic interventions

The role of the pharmacy in improving community health and wellbeing

Reducing binge drinking and alcoholism: Learning lessons from Scotland

Beating obesity, keeping fit

The day will end with a panel debate on the subject of;

Improving the public's health: Where should our priorities lie?

Delegates will have the chance to challenge, discuss and debate the key issues and gain relevant insight applicable to their professional roles which they can embed within their organisations and improve services.

Further information from:

Daniel Snape, Events Consultant, Events, City Wharf, New Bailey St, Manchester, M3 5ERTel: +44 (0)161 831 7111, Fax: +44 (0)161 832 7396

Jun 27, 2012 - Disease Prevention Links

Disease prevention links - sites about prevention of age-related conditions

Dementia – A National Crisis 4th October 2012, Manchester Conference Centre

Do you want to learn more about the governments plan to improve the outcomes and quality of life for both sufferers and carers?

Do you want to see dementia sufferers and their carers receive the respect and dignity they deserve?

There are currently 800,000 sufferers of dementia in the UK

Dementia costs society over £23bn per annum, twice the cost of cancer and with a prediction of over a million sufferers by 2021

Confirmed Speakers Include

Andrew Chidgey, Director of External Affairs, Alzheimer's Society

Ann Johnson, Resident, Sunrise Community of Hale Barns

Professor Alistair Burns, National Clinical Director for Dementia, Department Of Health

Martin Green, Chief Executive, English Community Care Association

Topics to be Discussed

Making dementia a national priorityWhat's new on the research frontImproving care, improving quality of life

Living with dementia

At Dementia – A National Crisis, an array of expert speakers will outline the challenges faced in combating this spiraling condition and how better outcomes can be achieved. This is an event for anyone involved with or affected by dementia who wishes to hear all the latest developments. Delegates will have the opportunity to listen, digest, debate and then reflect on the information that can make a difference to their professional or personal situations.

Delegates will have the chance to challenge, discuss and debate the key issues and gain relevant insight applicable to their professional roles which they can embed within their organizations and improve services. > Anti-aging Discoveries > Anti-aging Developments - June 2012

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