Other Disease Prevention Links
Links to Disease Prevention Pages on Age-well.org
This is a link to a fairly comprehensive list of age-related-diseases in alphabetical order. Our authors have researched the different illnesses, their symptoms and preventative measures you can take and summarized their findings in brief, easy to understand resumes with advice on how to prevent these diseases and links to other information you will need.
Disease prevention links about Heart Attack
Disease Prevention - Prevent a Heart Attack
This web site provides information to the general public about the risks and conditions that lead to heart attacks. It helps people become aware that taking action now will lead to a healthier future.
Heart Disease Prevention
This site provides valuable information about the prevention and reversal of heart disease.
Heart Health-Wellness and Lifestyle Resource
Providing you with quality information on risks and causes of heart disease, high blood pressure, cholesterol, weight management and health related lifestyle issues. Don't leave Your Heart Health to chance. You can avoid or improve Your management of Heart Disease today.
Sites about Preventing a Stroke
The following disease prevention links are about stroke prevention:
Prevent a Stroke - From the Stroke Recovery Advocate Site
Leading a healthy lifestyle is important for stroke prevention. If you've already had a stroke and are aiming to prevent a subsequent one, or if you have never had one, this information is relevant. It is categorised into:
- Health-related indicators
- Lifestyle-related indicators
Sites on General Health and Disease Prevention
Cancer Information Source - Making Cancer Less Confusing
Cancer Information Source is a guide to cancer, providing an in depth introduction that is understandable even if you do not have a background in science or medicine.
The Miracle of Good HealthThe miracle of Good Health is like a gift that we do not fully appreciate and tend to take for granted until we loose it. To learn something about this gift and how we can ensure that we live a long happy life visit
Answer My Health Question
The online source to answer health questions. Find answers, ideas & feedback that is natural-health & alternative-medicine focused. Would you rather be a disease statistic or a health statistic?
A Word of Warning
This site intends to help you Age Well. It will give information on the prevention of early aging, giving tips on how you can slow down the aging process naturally. It gives advice on how you can knock years off your actual age so that you both look and feel good, while also keeping your mind alert. It also makes suggestions about how to quit habits which damage and age your body and can also affect your brain.This particular page has links to background information on age-related diseases and give you disease prevention strategies so that you can enjoy your golden years free from too many restrictions and the financial restraints which these illnesses can cause.
Although the web is a fantastic resource for finding out as much as possible about different illnesses, remember that this advice cannot replace the diagnosis of a doctor who has studied medicine for many years and has the practical experience to analyse the different symptoms.
Always consult a doctor if you are worried about your health.
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