Could you include more articles on sexuality and aging?

by Tyrrell
(Arlington, Texas)

I absolutely love this website. it is full of interesting and useful information. SInce I am interested in keeping fit and healthy for many years to come i am implementing a lot of the advice i have read here and feeling better for it.

My only suggestion is that you include some information about sexuality and aging because this is an issue for many people. I think this would make the site more complete.

I am a 65 year old man. I am happily married and I still love and desire my wife. While i know that many men have problems with erectile disfunction at my age I have no problem getting an erection. However, I sometimes have problems ejaculating and my wife, who is very jealous for no reason, now suspects that this is because I am having an affair. It is not true- what can I do?

I hoped to find some advice here, but unless i just haven't found it, there are no articles on sexual health.



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Oct 13, 2010
See a doctor if this worries you
by: Mary (Editor)

The inability to ejaculate or to only ejaculate a small amount of sperm appears to be a common problem with men over 60 and may be age-related. However, I would have to know more about your specific circumstances before giving a more personalized answer. Are you taking medication? How is your general health? Etc.

My advice would be to see a doctor if you are really worried about this. However, it appears to be more of a relationship issue between you and your spouse which is bothering you and this is something that definitely needs addressing.

Sexual health is definitely an issue that I intend to cover in this site, which is growing month by month. Lack of funds and time are the only reason that this has not yet been done, as I too feel a site on aging is not complete without this issue, both from a male and female perspective.

I am glad though that you find the information that is here to be useful to you and thank you for your encouragement.


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