Advertising Options
We have deliberately taken a no advertisement policy up till now and are only just beginning to open to limited advertisements.
We are now offering the following advertising options, which you can take advantage of to build your brand and help get your message out to our growing and loyal readership:
Sponsorship Packages
Option 1
Side-wide Sponsorship for one year costs $499 and for six months $399 for a rectangle of up to 300 x 300 which will appear site-wide in the right-hand column (this means over 300 pages) and a one-page article with a link to your site and up to three photos, to be supplied by you. Only two spots available for site wide sponsorships at present. A skyscraper banner with maximum width of 300 can also be negotiated.
The URL in the banner will have to be no follow but you can include two links in your article - one pointing to the main URL and the other to a featured page or section of your site. As a bonus for this package we will also include an additional text link in a page of your choice.
Option 2
$200 for six months or $299 for 12 months for a one-page article with a link to your main site and a second link to a featured page on your site. Article and up to three photos, to be supplied by you.
In both cases your page will be mentioned in our blog and e-zine as well as in our news section.
Other Options
Rectangular banners which will be displayed section-wide in the right-hand column. These cost from from $20 - $60 per month, depending on the page rank and number of pages in the section, with a minimum purchase of three months and a maximum of one year. One additional month free if you choose to place for six months and two months free for a purchase of 12 months. Please ask for a quote.
Horizontal banner ad to be placed in central column of page costs between $20 and $50 dollars for two months depending on page rank of page concerned.
Your URL can appear in the banner but the link will be no follow. However, if you want a link back to your site we will include one on on of our links pages.
Text adds cost between $10 and $60 for six months depending on the page rank of the page. Obviously, these have to be no-follow according to google rules, but we add a suggestion that readers copy the link into a new browser window.
In line with google regulations, non-reciprocal links may be accepted in our links page in certain circumstances, either for clients purchasing one of the above options or in return for a donation.
In general our policy is only to accept links and banners related to our topic or our target audience.
Text links will include a header and text of up to 200 characters.
Miscellaneous Advertising
We are always open to other suggestions if you have a proposition which offers value to ourselves or our readers. Please contact us to discuss further options through our contacts page.
contacts page.
Whatever it is, get in touch and we’ll talk.
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