This is how i lost weight!

by Jenny
(Costa Derada)



This are the rules i followed in order to lose weight gradually and keep it off.

***General Rules for Losing Weight***
1. Exercise for 30 mins each day
2. 5-6 small meals per day.?
3. Aim for salad plate sized meals, half the plate covered in veggies, a quarter with carbohydrates, and a quarter with proteins (look at your plate).?
4. Drink lots and lots of water.?
5. Take a multi-vitamin daily.?
6. The 80/20 rule: Make health oriented food choices 80 percent of the time, other fun foods 20 percent of the time, mostly relax about diet when you are invited or out with a group and it would be rude to be difficult. Or else, diet 6 days on, 1 day off.??

***Exercise tp Lose Body Fat & Increase Muscle***
Cardio: 3-5 times per week, 35+ minutes
Weights or Toning: 2-3 times per week, 30 + minutes ?
Stretching: 1-2 times per week, 20 minutes ?

***Dietory Rules***
1.Start the day with a cup of hot water with lemon juice.?
2. Avoid artificial sweeteners, preservatives, and food additives.?
3. Eat organic foods in their most ?natural? state ? fresh fruit and vegetables.?
4. Avoid processed, pre-packaged, ready made foods and meals.?
5. Reduce fat, sugar, and salt intake
6. Eat Food beneficial to liver and kidney ? aim to eat two of each group every day.??
**For Your Liver eat black grapes, garlic, fennel or dandelion tea or green tea, carrot or beetroot juice. ?
**For Your Kidneys eat fresh honey, cranberry juice/tablets, melon (alone without other food).?
7. Limit common colon irritants and food which can cause intolerance, including
cow's milk
refined flours
refined sugar
refined starch
wheat eliminate - breads, cakes, pasta containing wheat flour

Stress is toxic to your body. You must take time out to relax or you cannot get the best results for your overall health and vitality, and will not achieve your ideal form. Incorporate relaxation tecquniques into your dieting regime.

Good Luck!

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Jan 12, 2011
by: JOJO

Is that really you? LOL

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