Know Yourself - Ask what really makes me happy

by John

Ask yourself “What would make me happier?”

It might be having more fun, having more friends, more time for yourself.

It might mean having less of something rather than more, less hassle at work, less fights with your partner, less travel time to your work, less nagging from your wife.

It might involve seeing more of your family, doing something to help others, or getting more credit for what you accomplish at work or from your spouse, learning something new or becoming more independent.

Knowing yourself is the key, know what your really want and then start doing what needs to be done to make that happen.

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Nov 20, 2011
Great Tips
by: Anonymous

I couldn't agree more. It is important to know your true self. We have all been so conditioned by our parents, society, the rules and customs of the geographical location and the time when you grew up.

Before I started to discover myself, I thought i knew it all and had no real problems. I did have a feeling of being unfulfilled but chose to ignore this. I made myself so busy that I didn't have time to reflect.

Then I began to acknowledge that I was not happy and didn't like many things about the way i was living my life. the problem was i knew what i disliked but was not in touch with my true self. I realized my spouse was conditioning me, including the way i was thinking. I was hungry for something more profound. But there is a resistance to change and growing and changing causes some emotional problems as well as problems with the people who want to control you and human nature is to stay in your comfort zone with what is familiar.

Until we realize a new way of living is better for us in the long-run we will do our best to maintain the status quo.

Have the courage to move out of your comfort zone and make the necessary changes to your life.

Because it is difficult to initiate change ourselves many begin the path of self discover after a traumatic event such as the loss of a loved-one, job, illness, near death experience etc.

Take time to get to know yourself. Ask yourself questions such as "Do I need more activity and stimulation or am I doing too much and need to slow down? What situations make me angry, what do i need to let go of, who do I need to forgive? What do I need to change to become more authentic, and live my life with more integrity and purpose?"

Ask for help if you need it. You might have been told to stand up on your own two feet, be a man, and not look outside ourselves if we have a problem. It might be admit we need help but no man is an island. We might need help from outside when we have problems with low self-esteem, codependence, or alcoholism.

Sometimes a self help group can be the answer as people who have similar issues can identify with yours and are often the best teachers and mentors.

When you begin changing, often family members feel threatened and you do not have their encouragement and support of family members, so outside support is very important.

Nov 20, 2011
Very True
by: Rose

Yes, knowing oneself is a start. If you don't know what really makes you happy, you might be barking up the wrong tree.

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