How can we avoid foods with added sugar?

by Stephanie
(United Kingdom)

Does anyone have any ideas on how to avoid foods with added sugar? My husband is diabetic and he loves sweet things, so i find it very difficult. A lot of things i buy seem to be healthy options, but when i get them home and really read what is in them, I am often disappointed. It is important to limit sugar, but everything, even baked beans, is packed with added sugar.

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Apr 02, 2011
get this book
by: Editor


I'd recommend you purchase this book as it will show you how to avoid eating too much sugar and how you can avoid the "hidden sugar" trap in the foods you buy.

If the above link doesn't work type the words
Lick the Sugar Habit into the Amazon search box in the botto right hand corner of the first page of

GO TO: and do this now.

THe book costs about ten dollars and is worth getting


Jan 15, 2011
Try other options and use our recipe section
by: Anonymous

Replace sweets and soft drinks with s alternatives like fruits, vegetables, and 100 percent juices. They have natural sugar but this is ok if you don't overindulge. They are also full of nutrients. You can also try sugar free options like unsweetened tea (green-tea is best for the health) , low-fat or fat-free milk are also good choices. But the best option possible is water and we should drink at least two liters a day. It can be difficult - I struggle myself to get my daily amount, but i know that it is important to drink enough (see the article on water - follow link in the eat well TOC).

Be aware that light options are often low in fat but high in added sugars. The sweeteners used in a lot of diet drinks are really bad for you and most processed food is high in sugar content.

I know it can be difficult if you are working but cooking your own is really a lot better and you can find a lot of great healthy recipes in our recipes secion. CLICK ON THE LINK AT THE BOTTOM of the EAT WELL page or go to the sitemap if you can't find this in the nav bar. It is there now but may be moved at a later date.

If you really have to buy processed - read the labels before you take the shopping home.

Baked beans are packed with sugar. It is possible to find sugar free ones but fans of baked beans are often hooked on the sweeter variety. Try substituting curry powder - its different but some people love it.

Finally, you must wean hubbie off sweet things. Do it gradually and his tastes will change. Do yourself a favor too and don't indulge out of solidarity for your spouse and to reap the benefits for yourself.

Keep well


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