"beans, beans, good for the heart the more you eat the more you fart the more you fart the better you feel so lets have beans for every meal"
Mar 02, 2012 Rating
Makes you fart by: Anonymous
It is supposed to make you fart, according to a famous French comedy at least.
Oct 21, 2010 Rating
I'm upping the stakes on this story just because of Cathy's comment which answers the question more fully than i could, but Cathy please drop me a line to give me the source so we are not breaking copyright rules.
I know several people who swear by this diet when they need to lose weight rapidly.
I don't see that this diet could do any harm as it is only seven days and is probably more healthy than many people are eating on a regular basis anyway. However, i do think that it is necessary to consult a specialist before embarking on a long term diet.
This might help for a quick fix. The answer for most of us is to eat less and exercise more. Have a look at the eat-well pages and check out the A to Z or Vitamins and the A to Z or minerals on this site to make sure you are getting necessary nutrients.
Oct 21, 2010 Rating
The Cabbage Soup Diet: Diet Review by: Cathy
Found this review on the web--- The Cabbage Soup is an all-you-can-eat-cabbage-soup diet which claims that the more cabbage soup you eat, the more weight you?ll lose. The diet?s so-called fat burning soup contains negligible calories so you don?t have to worry about gaining weight. The Cabbage Soup Diet states that by adhering to the Cabbage Soup Diet for 7 days will result in immediate weight loss.
How Does the Cabbage Soup Diet work? On the Cabbage Soup Diet, individuals are encouraged to eat as much Cabbage soup and consume as much water as they want. Other foods are involved as well but their intake is severely restricted. The cabbage soup can be eaten as many times but itis not recommended that you eat soup only as it can result in malnourishment.
Drinking 7-8 glasses of water a day is also recommended.
The Cabbage Soup Diet?s 7-Day plan is easy to follow, however dieters are asked to consult their doctor before following this 7-day meal plan:
The Cabbage Soup Diet
Day 1: Cabbage soup, plus any fruit (except bananas). Drink unsweetened tea, black coffee, cranberry juice and water.
Day 2: Cabbage soup, plus other vegetables (raw, boiled or steamed) and avoid dry beans, peas and corn. For dinner, eat a baked potato with butter.
Day 3: Cabbage soup, plus other fruits and vegetables.
Day 4: Cabbage soup, plus up to 8 bananas and fat-free milk.
Day 5: Cabbage soup, plus up to 6 tomatoes and up to 450 grams of meat or fish.
Day 6: Cabbage soup, plus meat and vegetables.
Day 7: Cabbage soup, plus brown rice, pure fruit juice and vegetables.
The Debate on the Cabbage Soup Diet The obvious criticism of the Cabbage Soup Diet is that it is not a nutritionally sound plan nor does it make any claims to permanent weight loss. The general consensus is that the Cabbage Soup Diet is effective in temporary and quick weight loss but is not effective for long-term weight loss. The actual cabbage soup does not contain any magical weight loss ingredient, although it is almost calorie free.
The Cabbage Soup Diet ? Against: ▪ Does not contribute to long-term weight loss ▪ Not nutritionally balanced ▪ Monotonous ▪ Lacks some essential vitamins and minerals
The Cabbage Soup Diet ? For: ▪ A do-it-yourself diet ▪ Not very complicated to follow ▪ Affordable
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