A trick to curb hunger if dieting

by Jean-marc
(Ain, France)

Hi Everybody,

I saw this piece of advice on the web and thought your other readers migh find this helpful...............................................

Nothing derails a new diet more quickly than constant, nagging feed-me pangs. But a new study presents a neat trick for turning the volume way down on hunger.

Here's the key: Stop counting calories. Instead, pack your diet with nutrient-dense foods. Research shows that jamming your diet full of nutritious edibles may be one of the most important steps to weight loss.

Food Withdrawal

In a study, when people switched to a diet full of healthy foods, they experienced hunger far less often and found their hunger much easier to tolerate. Just imagine what a leg up that would be to dieting if you never experienced hunger pangs! Researchers think that when people don't eat enough nutritious foods, it causes a sort of "food withdrawal" phenomenon in the body, characterized by inflammation and the release of toxic metabolic waste products. The result of all this? A more painful kind of hunger that can only be relieved by eating again. (Do you eat when you feel bored, lonely, or sad? Get insights into emotional eating and stopping it.)

Quality, Not Quantity

Take-home message: Don't obsess about how much you should be eating. Instead, spend your energy thinking about what you should be eating. If nutrient-rich fruit, vegetables, and whole grains aren't making frequent appearances in your diet, your body is going to miss them and loudly ask for more fuel. Same goes for lean proteins and healthful fats. Once you feed yourself better, and your body gets past the initial junk-food withdrawal, your taste buds will start to crave the healthy stuff instead.
(from real age web site)

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Jan 05, 2011
Small daily aspirin dose 'cuts cancer risk'
by: Mary (Editor)

So here is the news release from BBC (i think the French translaters added a 0, but otherwise they seem to have it right. LOL

Small daily aspirin dose 'cuts cancer risk'

By Fergus Walsh
Medical correspondent, BBC News

Research at Oxford University and other centres found that it cut overall cancer deaths by at least a fifth.

The study, published in the Lancet, covered some 25,000 patients, mostly from the UK.

Experts say the findings show aspirin's benefits often outweighed its associated risk of causing bleeding.

Aspirin is already known to cut the risk of heart attack and stroke among those at increased risk. But the protective effects against cardiovascular disease are thought to be small for healthy adults, and aspirin increases the risks of stomach and gut bleeds.

However, this latest research shows that when weighing up the risks and benefits of taking aspirin, experts should also consider its protective effect against cancer.

Those patients who were given aspirin had a 25% lower risk of death from cancer during the trial period and a 10% reduction in death from any cause compared to patients who were not given the drug.

Lasting protection

The treatment with aspirin lasted for between four and eight years, but long term-follow-up of around 12,500 patients showed the protective effect continued for 20 years in both men and women.

to be continued in next post

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